Seasons of Migration
A Cambodian classical dance drama performed by Sophiline Arts Ensemble
Performance dates:
7:00pm June 7 & 8
4:00pm June 9
Java Creative Café Toul Tom Poung
Tickets: $15
Available for purchase at Java Creative Café Toul Tom Poung
At the bar or through Telegram:
Imagine that heavenly spirits have come to earth to live among humans and how they are shocked and transformed by the experience. Created by choreographer Sophiline Cheam Shapiro, “Seasons of Migration” explores the expressive boundaries of Cambodia’s exquisite classical dance, rendering contemporary ideas timeless and the ancient utterly modern.
Every year, millions of migrants abandon their homelands in search of a more promising future. And while the reasons and circumstances for those who choose this path are numerous, the process by which individuals acculturate themselves to their new environments is remarkably similar. This psychic transformation or ‘culture shock’– from initial euphoria to rejection, adjustment and finally acceptance, equilibrium and often creative renewal – is at the core of “Seasons of Migration”.
“Shapiro’s journey unfolds like a moving painting. Exquisite.” NEW YORK TIMES
“Shapiro tells her stories enigmatically through groupings that resemble temple friezes and hesitations in the tranquil, hypnotic flow of steps that seem suspended in time.” VILLAGE VOICE
“…akin to watching moonlight play across water.” LOS ANGELES TIMES